m:Meta:Babel templates
  • Template:Babel - Allows 1 to 100 boxes.
    Format: {{Babel|<box1>|<box2>|<box3>...}}

To specify a custom header, footer, or color add the parameters header=HEADER (default: Meta:Babel templates), footer=FOOTER (default: blank), and/or color=COLOR (default: white). Call the '!' userbox to start a new column after that point or the '-' userbox to insert a blank row. You may also use '|align=left' to display the babel box on the left side of the screen rather than the default right.

Example: {{Babel|color=yellow|align=left|en|es|!|it|pdc|zh}} produces:

m:Meta:Babel templates
en This user is a native English speaker.
es Este usuario es hablante nativo de español.
it Questo utente parla italiano come lingua madre.
pdc This user is a native Pennsylvania Dutch speaker.
zh 这位用户的母语中文